«Holy Family School» 100 years of presence in Monteria, Cordoba

 «Step by step God makes history, we also tell it with the fabric of the good done in everyday life.» (Pope Francis)

God carries history forward and is always walking with us. In 1923, on the initiative of Ignacio Cabrales, Antonio Lacharme, Eusebio Pineda and others who asked the congregation to send them a group of sisters, this great work of the Holy Family School began.

Celebrating 100 years is a reason for gratitude as the hallmark of noble hearts.

To thank our sisters who one day with the strength that only comes from God began this work, to whom the obstacles and conditions of the moment did not prevent them from achieving their dreams. With sacrifice, love and perseverance they accompanied the processes that gave rise to this educational work, to the integral formation of the students, but above all to the teachings imparted from the heart.

We give thanks because God has been a faithful companion along the way.  How much effort, commitment and dedication of our sisters, this time is appropriate to honor the grateful memory of so many Capuchin Tertiary Sisters who with courage and audacity spent their lives in the mission entrusted to educate many generations. Together with them, so many teachers, women and men convinced and full of vocation of service, who bet on sowing seeds of life and hope in the hearts of countless families in Cordoba and the region.

These are 100 years that add up to many events and in the current page of history we are invited to keep fresh, the desire to grow the reasons to believe in the future. As a Colsafa team, we are accompanied by the challenge of providing our students with a comprehensive education, founded on the pillar of values, so that as graduates they can be good people, positive and proactive leaders, with a distinctive note of ethics in the different scenarios where God allows them to perform and serve. Men and women leaders of a new society, defenders of life, family unity and ecology.

Thanking God for the great bunch of our beloved alumnae, 94 promotions, most of them female and co-educational. They have echoed what they have lived in their school manifested in the dedication, responsibility, efficiency and gratitude demonstrated through a meritorious work as professionals in educational scenarios, in schools, universities, organizations, companies and in the places that God has traced for their lives, fulfilling the mission, in official or private sectors where the performance has been widely recognized.

They carry imprinted in their hearts the Colsafista seal, sowing life, leaving traces of their human and professional quality in Monteria, Cordoba, Colombia and many countries where they are today, without forgetting their roots, history and the land where they were born.

In tune with the teachings of Pope Francis, our challenge is to be promoters of life, artisans of humanity, experts in coexistence.

Gratitude for 100 years of existence, which allows us to make a historical journey, where names, faces, events and experiences appear, which when we look back in time, we contemplate them with a heart full of joy.

To the teachers who have given the best of themselves, our collaborators in the exercise of teaching for so many years, to those of today, facing so many challenges that the present moment poses to us, their daily work is fundamental, thank you because with the passage of time they continue to believe in the transforming power of education, making the pedagogy of our Father Luis Amigó y Ferrer, «The Pedagogy of love», valid and fruitful.

We implore the Lord to always give us His light and wisdom to continue this delicate mission that has been entrusted to us, to form our students integrally and the invitation is offered with hope to continue weaving this story.



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