Segorbe-Castellón, 125 Years giving life

The commemoration has been celebrated with the organization of various events that have had their peak in the Eucharistic celebration that took place this morning in the S. I. Cathedral of Segorbe and was presided over by the Bishop of the Diocese of Segorbe-Castellón, Bishop Casimiro López Llorente. The parish priests of St. Mary, St. Peter in Segorbe, St. Michael the Archangel in Altura, and the Bishop’s secretary also participated. Also the Provincial Sister, together with the Capuchin Tertiary Sisters of Segorbe and the local authorities, with the Mayoress at the head, as the highest representative of them, as well as parishioners of the parishes of Segorbe and other representatives of Confraternities, movements and ecclesial associations.

In the homily, the Bishop had words of gratitude for the work that the sisters have been doing for more than a century for the benefit of the most needy. D. Casimiro, a great connoisseur of the Church he pastors, has made a brief review of its history, and recalled how they began their journey and their service in our Diocese. For this reason, today our Bishop has given «thanks to God for the service rendered since then by the House of Our Lady of the Resurrection, highlighting the sacrifice of the sisters for so many children, orphans and vulnerable». A life, he said, «that springs from the Paschal Mystery through you, dear sisters, who for so many years have worked giving life»….

Throughout all these years, they show the face of Jesus Christ Himself «welcoming so many needy people, accompanying them and healing their wounds, and making them feel the closeness, mercy and compassion of God», which, on the other hand, our Bishop stressed, «is the task entrusted to our Church». And in this sense, the celebration was one of thanksgiving «for the many fruits that have been derived through you in these children, thank you for the presence of the Lord in you».

D. Casimiro is no stranger to the gifts of so many people from Segorbe who have accompanied the Sisters «in their work and mission in the past, but also in the present through the Association of Friends of Friar Luis Amigó».

The commemoration, said the Bishop, «should serve to remember the origin, without forgetting the hard trials, but above all, to live the present by looking to the future from the Word of God» that has been proclaimed today, which has shown Jesus «as the resurrection and the life, showing us that He is the way, the truth and the life: true God and true man». And he recalled yesterday’s liturgical celebration of the Annunciation of the Lord and the Mystery of the Incarnation.

Christ Jesus, source of life, through the Capuchin Tertiary Sisters «gives life and reaches the most needy, those whom the Lord will continue to place in your hands». And so he recalled the important role of the Church in favor of life since always, in the past for the orphans and today, «in this state of welfare no one will do it like you, consecrated to God, in Christ to serve the most needy and aqueduct of the water that flows from the love of God». And so, through the closeness they show, «every young person, every adolescent, feels the very closeness of God and his mercy». Casimiro, in spite of their vow of chastity, they feel «like Mothers from their very heart and act as such, giving love and showing it to those whom the Lord places in your hands».

In this way, he exhorted them to continue putting «their trust in the Lord who is the only one capable of giving life, light, hope and encouragement in our journey», referring to the fact that this is their present and that «in God’s hands» is their future, «because He never abandons us». They, like all of us who form the People of God of Segorbe-Castellón, concluded the Bishop, are «called, in this Jubilee Year, to go out on mission and to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to all those with whom you come in contact». Casimiro, «at the foot of the Altar, raising supplication and prayer «so that Our Lady of the Resurrection and Mother of God may continue to protect, guide and encourage you in your journey».

During the Eucharist, joining our feast, we read the beautiful greeting of our General sister, Blanca Nidia Bedoya,  We transcribe this paragraph, encouraging our hope: «The dream of our Father Luis whom we love and remember, has been realized and continues to be in force, because merciful and compassionate love has become a hallmark of the Christian commitment of those who have given it life through the years and of those who today stand, clinging to the «cornerstone», Christ Jesus, as faithful caretakers and managers of the inheritance received…. The world continues its course and today more than ever our children and young people need and expect our motherly gaze to embrace them; the challenges are pressing and the purpose of the work remains the same.

Al finalizar la Eucaristía se ha realizado una ofrenda floral a Fray Luis Amigó, en la escultura que se erige en la plaza de la Seo, con alegría de todos los presentes.

A la celebración de hoy se han sumado otros actos. El pasado viernes, con motivo de la efeméride, se celebró un acto de carácter cultural que consistió en una conferencia y un concierto. El sábado día de la Encarnación, celebramos nuestra fiesta patronal de la Provincia con nuestras hermanas de Altura, y a continuación jornada de convivencia con los niños, adolescentes, jóvenes, personal laboral y hermanas que pasaron por esta residencia a lo largo de estos años.

At the end of the Eucharist, to the joy of all those present, a floral offering was made to Friar Luis Amigó at the sculpture erected in the Plaza de la Seo,

Other events have been added to today’s celebration. Last Friday, on the occasion of the anniversary, a cultural event was held, consisting of a conference and a concert. On Saturday, the day of the Incarnation, we celebrated our patronal feast of the Province with our sisters of Altura, and then a day of coexistence with the children, adolescents, young people, staff and sisters who have passed through this residence over the years.

And from these Valencian lands, with a grateful heart to the Lord, under the mantle of Our Lady of the Resurrection, we want to share with all our Sisters of the Congregation, the Amigonian laity, the recipients and all those who come across these pages, our joy, hoping and trusting that we will continue these 125 years, giving life, as our motto says.

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